Saturday, March 11, 2006

My last day in New Orleans

Mixed emotions today.

I said most of my goodbye's last night (as most people headed to Bourbon Street, and were not likely up yet). Security closes the gates at the camp at midnight (if you show up late, you must find another place to sleep for the night), but I was inside the compound, talking with people until 2AM or so. We sat around a table eating moonpies (someone grabbed them from the kitchen tent), and telling stories about the week. Many of them had been here for weeks (Americorps teams stay on each project for 5 weeks at a time), and others were like me and were only there a week. It definitally felt longer than a week, and I made a number of friends who I hope to know for the rest of my life.

There are no cameras allowed at the camp (something about it being a federal facility, and if security saw anyone taking pictures/video, the tape would be confiscated & the offender would be forced to pack up and leave). Based on that, I am not quite sure where these pictures came from, but they resemble parts of the camp & one even resembles the Operations Tent at around 11PM or so. strange!

On my drive to the airport, as I was leaving St. Bernard Parish and entering New Orleans, I saw this sign & two of the cutest little girls on the side of the road. At first I just smiled as I passed, but then I turned around and bought a few boxes of cookies. I talked to the girls and their mother for a while, and then went on my way to the airport. Looking around a mostly empty airport, I wondered how many of the travelers were volunteers, who came to town to help rebuild, and also caused a small boost to the economy. It was a very sureal experience for me, and something that is very difficult to describe, but something that I am very happy to have been a part of!!

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